Hollow or Cavus Foot is a condition in which the foot has a very high arch. Because of this high arch and misalignment of the heel and ankle, an excessive amount of weight is placed on the ball of the foot, creating crooked toes, and usually callouses along the outer border of the foot and toes. Hollow foot can lead to a variety of symptoms including pain and instability.

It can develop at any age and can occur in one or both feet. Cavus foot is often caused by a neurologic disorder or other medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy or stroke. Some people with hollow foot may also experience foot drop, a weakness of the muscles in the front of the calf that results in dropping the front of the foot when taking a step. Foot drop is usually a sign of an underlying neurologic condition. In other cases of hollow foot, the high arch may represent an inherited structural abnormality. An accurate diagnosis is important because the underlying cause of hollow foot largely determines its future course. If the high arch is due to a neurologic disorder or other medical condition, it is likely to progressively worsen.

On the other hand, cases of hollow foot that do not result from neurologic disorders only gradually worsen, with thickened skin (callous) and bursitis (redness, pain and swelling) resulting from a lack of shock absorption in the foot and pinpoint pressure areas with localized pressure points, are common complaints. Support of the hollow part of the foot can help lessen pain and callous formation.  Usually, thicker socks and cushion shoes also help mitigate the effects of the abnormal gait and pressure points.

This foot condition may not experience the full benefits of the current Stand Strong® design. A new design is in development specifically for both narrow and hollow feet or those with extremely high arches.