Discover the Bliss of Stand Strong® Relief Balance Balm!

Discover the Bliss of Stand Strong® Relief Balance Balm!

Are you ready to bid farewell to those pesky aches and pains that come with an active lifestyle? Say hello to the all-new Stand Strong® Relief Balance Balm (RLF), a game-changer in the world of pain relief! Read more …
September 21, 2023 — Stand Strong
Exploring the Health Benefits of Walking: What You Should Know

Exploring the Health Benefits of Walking: What You Should Know

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the crucial role physical activity plays in our overall well-being. While regular exercise has long been linked to a reduced risk of chronic illnesses, a recent study has shed new light on the specific advantages of WALKING. Read more...
September 06, 2023 — Stand Strong
Dealing with Arch Pain: Causes and Remedies

Dealing with Arch Pain: Causes and Remedies

Arch pain, a common foot woe, can disrupt daily life. Let's quickly explore what causes it and how to find relief. Let's explore the causes, symptoms and remedies. Read more...
September 01, 2023 — Stand Strong
Rigid vs Soft Orthotics: Choosing the Right Support for Your Feet

Rigid vs Soft Orthotics: Choosing the Right Support for Your Feet

Orthotic insoles are a valuable asset in promoting foot health and comfort. Two primary categories, rigid and soft orthotics, cater to different needs. Read more...
August 31, 2023 — Stand Strong
Hollow Foot: A Comprehensive Overview

Hollow Foot: A Comprehensive Overview

Hollow foot, also known as pes cavus, is a foot condition characterized by an abnormally high arch. This condition can affect how a person walks, distributes weight, and experiences discomfort. Read more...
August 21, 2023 — Stand Strong
Hammer Toes Demystified: Care and Solutions

Hammer Toes Demystified: Care and Solutions

Hammer toes, or contracted toes, occur when the middle joint of a toe becomes bent, resembling a hammer 🔨. This condition can be painful as the affected toe's misalignment can cause friction against footwear and lead to corns or calluses 🌽🩹. Hammer toes are often caused by muscle imbalances 💪, tight footwear 👠, genetic predisposition 🧬, or conditions like arthritis 🦴

Caring for Hammer Toes  👠

Caring for hammer toes involves a combination of preventative measures and relief strategies:

  1. Footwear: Opt for shoes with a wide toe box and ample space for toes to move freely. High heels and tight shoes can exacerbate hammer toes.
  2. Toe Exercises: Gentle stretching and toe-strengthening exercises can help alleviate discomfort and maintain flexibility in the affected toes. 🦶🏋️‍♂️😌
  3. Orthotic Support: Cushioned insoles or pads can provide relief by reducing pressure on the affected toes and preventing friction.
  4. Toe Splints: These devices can help straighten the affected toes over time by holding them in a corrected position. 🦶📏🔨
  5. Regular Foot Inspections: Regularly check your feet for any signs of discomfort, calluses, or changes in toe alignment.
  6. Medical Consultation: If the condition worsens or becomes painful, consult a healthcare professional for advice and potential treatment options.

Stand Strong Arches for Hammer Toes

At Stand Strong, we understand the challenges posed by hammer toes and offer a solution through our Stand Strong Arches. These arch supports are expertly designed to provide exceptional support to the arches and help distribute weight more evenly across the foot. By promoting proper alignment, Stand Strong Arches can alleviate pressure on the toes, reducing discomfort associated with hammer toes. Additionally, the arch support enhances overall foot function and balance, further contributing to a more comfortable walking experience. 👣🦶👟💪
In conclusion, hammer toes need not hinder your daily activities. With proper care and attention, you can manage the discomfort and prevent worsening of the condition. At Stand Strong, our Stand Strong Arches offer a reliable way to enhance foot comfort, reduce pain, and restore the joy of walking for individuals dealing with hammer toes. 🦶🌟🚶‍♀️

August 18, 2023 — Stand Strong
Understanding Bunions: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions for Foot Comfort

Understanding Bunions: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions for Foot Comfort

Feet are our foundation, carrying us through life's adventures. But sometimes, even the most steadfast foundations can encounter issues, such as bunions. A bunion is more than just a bump – it's a condition that can affect our mobility and comfort. Let's delve into what bunions are, what causes them, and how we can find relief. 👣🚶‍♂️😌

What Are Bunions?

Feet are our foundation, carrying us through life's adventures. But sometimes, even the most steadfast foundations can encounter issues, such as bunions. A bunion is more than just a bump – it's a condition that can affect our mobility and comfort. Let's delve into what bunions are, what causes them, and how we can find relief. 👣🚶‍♂️😌

Common Symptoms:

1. Swelling, redness, or tenderness around the big toe joint.

2. Pain or discomfort, especially during walking or wearing certain shoes.

3. Restricted movement of the big toe due to its misalignment.

4. Corns or calluses forming on the affected area due to friction.

Seeking Relief:

If you're dealing with bunions, there's hope for finding comfort. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Choose Comfortable Footwear: Opt for shoes with a wider toe box and good arch support. Avoid high heels and shoes that squeeze the toes.
  2. Orthotics and Arch Supports: Products like Stand Strong Arches can help provide support, distribute pressure, and alleviate discomfort associated with bunions.
  3. Toe Exercises: Gentle exercises can help improve the flexibility and strength of the toes.
  4. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers and ice can help manage pain and inflammation.

When to Consult a Professional:

If your bunions are causing persistent pain, difficulty walking, or hindering your quality of life, it's wise to consult a podiatrist. They can recommend personalized solutions, including custom orthotics, physical therapy, or even surgical options if necessary. 👣👨‍⚕️🩺Image by pressfoto on Freepik

Remember, your feet deserve care and attention. Addressing bunions with the right approach can lead to improved comfort and mobility, allowing you to continue exploring life's journey on solid ground.

August 11, 2023 — Stand Strong
Embracing Your Unique Stride: Navigating the World of Flat Feet 🦶

Embracing Your Unique Stride: Navigating the World of Flat Feet 🦶

In the intricate dance of footsteps that we take every day, our feet play a crucial role. And just like any dancer, each foot has its own unique style. If you find yourself with flat feet, know that you're not alone in this graceful movement. Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, are a common occurrence that affects many of us. 👣💃🕺

Flat feet occur when the arches of the feet don't develop as fully as they do in others. This can lead to a flatter foot structure and may bring about various challenges, such as discomfort, fatigue, and even pain. But remember, your story isn't solely defined by the shape of your feet. It's about how you navigate your journey and embrace the solutions available to you. 🦶🛤️🤗

This is where Stand Strong Arches come into play, like a reliable partner in your stride. 👣💪 Our specially crafted arch supports are tailored to offer the relief and stability that flat feet often seek. 🩰🚶‍♂️ From cushioning each step to promoting better alignment, our goal is to help you walk confidently, whatever your path. 🌟👟👣

If you're seeking a solution that understands your unique stride, Stand Strong Arches are here to lend a helping hand. Let's redefine the way we think about flat feet – not as limitations, but as a part of what makes you uniquely you.

FLAT FEET So step forward with pride, comfort, and the knowledge that you have the support you need. After all, life is a journey, and every step is a story waiting to be told. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️👣📖✨🌟

August 11, 2023 — Stand Strong
Understanding Foot and Knee Pain: Exploring Solutions with Stand Strong Arches

Understanding Foot and Knee Pain: Exploring Solutions with Stand Strong Arches

Foot and knee pain can significantly impact our daily lives, making it essential to understand the underlying causes and find effective solutions. In this article, we will delve into common reasons why feet and knees may experience discomfort and explore how Stand Strong Arches can provide relief and support. 🦶🦵💪

  1. Improper Foot Alignment:

One of the leading causes of foot and knee pain is improper foot alignment. When our feet are not properly aligned, it can result in excessive pressure on specific areas, leading to discomfort and pain. Stand Strong Arches offer a solution by providing targeted support to help align the feet correctly, reducing stress on the knees and promoting overall foot health. 👣📉

  1. Overpronation or Underpronation:

Overpronation and underpronation are foot conditions where the feet roll inward or outward excessively during walking or running. These abnormal gait patterns can lead to foot and knee pain over time. Stand Strong Arches are designed to address such issues by providing stability and preventing excessive pronation or supination, thus relieving pain and promoting a more natural foot alignment. 🏃‍♂️👟

  1. Insufficient Arch Support:

Lack of proper arch support is a common culprit for foot and knee pain. When the arches of the feet are not adequately supported, it can cause strain on the surrounding muscles and joints, leading to discomfort. Stand Strong Arches offer balance for the foot, distributing the weight evenly and reducing the burden on the feet and knees. 🏋️‍♀️🌟

  1. Impact and Shock Absorption:

Daily activities, such as walking or engaging in physical exercise, subject our feet and knees to repetitive impact and shock. Without proper cushioning and shock absorption, this can contribute to pain and discomfort. Stand Strong Arches feature innovative materials that provide excellent shock absorption, minimizing the impact on the feet and knees and promoting a more comfortable experience. 🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Understanding the reasons behind foot and knee pain is crucial for finding effective solutions. With their targeted support, stability, arch support, and shock absorption features, Stand Strong Arches are a reliable ally in alleviating foot and knee discomfort. Take a step towards a pain-free lifestyle and experience the difference these arch supports can make in your overall foot health. 🌈🦋

Remember, if you are experiencing chronic or severe pain, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation. Invest in your foot health today and embrace the comfort and relief provided by Stand Strong Arches. 🩺👩‍⚕️

*Disclaimer: Stand Strong Arches are designed to provide support and comfort; however, individual experiences may vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations regarding your specific foot and knee concerns. ⚠️🤝

August 03, 2023 — Stand Strong
Finding Relief: How to Alleviate Foot Pain from standing all day

Finding Relief: How to Alleviate Foot Pain from standing all day

Standing for extended periods can take a toll on our feet, leading to discomfort and pain. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to stop foot pain caused by prolonged standing and discover how Stand Strong Arches can provide the support and relief you need. 👣💪👞🏋️‍♂️🌟

  1. Choose Supportive Footwear:

Investing in quality footwear is paramount when you spend long hours on your feet. Opt for shoes that offer ample cushioning, arch support, and a comfortable fit. Consider shoes that are designed specifically for standing or walking, as they provide extra support and shock absorption. When combined with Stand Strong Arches, you create a dynamic duo that reduces the strain on your feet.

2. Take Frequent Breaks:

Give your feet periodic rest by taking short breaks throughout the day. Find opportunities to sit, elevate your feet, or perform simple stretching exercises. Taking brief moments to relieve the pressure on your feet can significantly reduce pain and discomfort. 🦶🕒🪑🧘‍♂️😌👣

3. Stretch and Strengthen:

Performing foot and leg stretches before, during, and after long periods of standing helps alleviate tension and promotes better blood circulation. Simple exercises like calf stretches, toe curls, and ankle rotations can provide relief. Additionally, incorporating exercises to strengthen the muscles of your feet and legs can enhance their endurance and minimize pain.


4. Use Anti-Fatigue Mats:

Anti-fatigue mats are designed to provide cushioning and support, reducing the impact of standing on hard surfaces. Placing these mats in your workspace or kitchen can help absorb shock and lessen the strain on your feet.

5. Embrace Stand Strong Arches:

Stand Strong Arches offer targeted support and cushioning to alleviate foot pain from standing all day. These arch supports are specifically designed to provide stability, reduce pressure points, and improve overall foot comfort. By incorporating Stand Strong Arches into your shoes, you enhance the natural alignment of your feet and distribute weight evenly, reducing fatigue and pain.

Foot pain from standing all day can be a significant obstacle to productivity and well-being. 😓👣 By following these strategies - choosing supportive footwear 👟, taking breaks ⏸️, stretching and strengthening 🏋️‍♂️, using anti-fatigue mats 🧼, and embracing Stand Strong Arches 🦶 - you can find relief and make standing for extended periods more manageable. Prioritize your foot health and discover the difference Stand Strong Arches can make in your everyday life. 🌟

Remember, if you experience persistent or severe foot pain, it is advisable to consult with a podiatrist for a comprehensive evaluation. Incorporate these tips into your routine, and with the support of Stand Strong Arches, reclaim the joy of pain-free standing. 👩‍⚕️🩺

*Disclaimer: Stand Strong Arches are designed to provide support and comfort; however, individual experiences may vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations regarding your specific foot concerns. 🩺🤝

August 02, 2023 — Stand Strong
Why Do Insoles Hurt My Feet?

Why Do Insoles Hurt My Feet?

Insoles are often sought after as a solution to alleviate foot discomfort and provide additional support during daily activities. 😌👣 However, it can be disheartening when the very insoles intended to bring relief end up causing pain instead! 😟 Understanding why insoles might hurt your feet is essential in finding a comfortable and effective solution.


Several factors, including how fast your own body might adapt to the correction offered by the insoles, fit and positioning on the foot, arch support, cushioning, material sensitivity, and underlying foot conditions, can contribute to this discomfort. 🩺🤔 By exploring these possibilities, you can better identify the cause of your discomfort and seek appropriate remedies. Let's delve into the reasons why insoles (even the self-contained Stand Strong Arch!) may cause pain and explore potential solutions for finding the perfect fit and feel for your feet! 😊🦶

There could be several reasons why insoles may hurt your feet. Here are a few possibilities: 🤷‍♀️🦴

  • Incorrect Fit: Insoles come in different sizes and shapes, and if you're using insoles that don't properly fit your feet, they can cause discomfort or pain. 🤕 The Stand Strong Arch support can be repositioned slightly to one side of the foot or another to find the most comfortable spot. Insoles that are too small may scrunch up your toes, while those that are too large may rub against the sides of your feet. 👟👣
  • Arch Support: Insoles are often used to provide additional arch support to alleviate foot pain; the Stand Strong Arch creates a more stable arch by balancing the foot on the “rail”. If the arch support in the insoles is not suitable for your feet, it can create discomfort. Some people may have higher or lower arches, and using insoles with improper arch support can strain the foot muscles and lead to pain. 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️
  • Poor Cushioning: The Stand Strong Arch supports are designed to provide cushioning and shock absorption to reduce the impact on your feet while walking or running. If the insoles you're using lack adequate cushioning or don't distribute the pressure evenly, they may cause discomfort or pain, especially in areas like the heel or the balls of the feet. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
  • Material Sensitivity: Some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to certain materials used in insoles, such as latex or certain synthetic fabrics. Your Stand Strong Arch supports are made from FDA-registered hypo-allergenic materials. 🌿👃
  • Underlying Foot Conditions: If you have existing foot conditions like plantar fasciitis, bunions, or heel spurs, using the wrong type of insoles or insoles that don't address your specific condition may exacerbate the pain instead of providing relief. We recommend that you begin wearing the Stand Strong Arch supports just one hour per day, then increase gradually by one hour until you are wearing them comfortably all day long! 🕒👟

If you're experiencing discomfort or pain from using arch support, we highly encourage you to check our detailed blog on placing your arch support correctly. Finding the “sweet spot” is key when applying your arch support insoles, and you should not experience pain while wearing them. If you do feel discomfort, you need to adjust the placement on your feet.

Sometimes, shifting the foot support a few millimeters away from the painful area makes a big difference! The distal end (metatarsal) area of the foot support should be centered just behind the maximum convexity of the bulge, below the ball of the foot. However, that "center" varies slightly from person to person. If you want to learn more, please head up to our blog on how to use. 👩‍⚕️💡

It's advisable to consult with a podiatrist or a healthcare professional who can assess your feet and recommend the appropriate type of insoles or alternative solutions to address your specific needs. 👨‍⚕️👣

June 06, 2023 — Stand Strong
Get to know the many benefits con foot excersice to relieve pain. Get to know the stand strong arch foot support for heel pain, plantar fasciitis, foot injuries and flat feets.

Effective Foot Exercise

Even the thought of effective foot exercises is perhaps something that should be discussed. Many would be inclined to deny that supplementary strength and movement therapy are even necessary for most. Sure, perhaps a short course in physical therapy after an injury or surgical intervention; but dancers or gymnasts most of us are not. 

So why does it feel so good to move the feet. Full of nerve endings and beginnings, the sole of the foot has been called a mobile adaptor. Plus, a rhythmic sequence of movement is so soothing to our overactive (sympathetic) nervous systems; the body moves in such a way as to allow the mind to disengage, relax and recharge. 

The Stand Strong® arch is a dynamic arch motivator; it doesn't have the strength to act as a brace or limit motion. By distilling the essentials of arch support down to the bare minimum, the foot structure "self- positions" into a more effective and efficient alignment. Sometimes causing postural fatigue, reactionary inflammation in muscles and joints from their new found foray into freedom of motion. 

No discussion of foot arches is complete without mentioning the cuboid bone. The keystone of most arches resembles a cube; this is the apex of function, the top of the arch and heap big important fulcrum around which several big foot functions occur. A big topic deserving its own forum.

Again, the "big 3" that your Stand Strong Arch addresses are:

Metatarsal Arch protection 
Cuboid bone activation 
Balance Rail technology 

While simple to apply, little tweaks in the position of  your Stand Strong® arch support can provide greater relief and increase your feeling of cushion. 

Happy walking in pain free beauty. ✨️ 


Dr Stand Strong 

March 08, 2023 — Stand Strong